Definition Files
Tapestry uses a custom interface description language ( idl ) for defining slots and commands. The various idl files are separated by functionality.
This is the list of all idl files:
Call - Pattern calls, argument handling, and related helpers.
Debug - Scripting commands to debug and test stories.
Format - Text printing and output control.
Frame - Low level communication with a game server.
Game - System commands to manage a running game ( save, load, etc ).
Grammar - Player input parsing.
Jess - Game world modeling using English-like sentences.
List - List queries, transformations, etc.
Literal - Supply constant values to runtime evaluations.
Logic - Boolean operations and loop handling.
Math - Common mathematical operations.
Object - Operations on objects, variables, and kinds.
Play - Low level communication between a game console and a running game.
Prim - Common type definitions.
Rel - Interrogate and manipulate object relationships at runtime.
Rtti - Slots used to produce and consume values.
Story - Game world modeling using Tapestry commands.
Text - Text manipulation and transformation.