Story Statement
Story commands model the game world. Story files ( .tell ) are essentially just a list of story commands. Certain story commands specify slots for other types of commands including those for running scripts, parsing the player's input, and more.
Defined by idl story.
Implemented by:
- Define action:requires:[provides:] Defines an in-game behavior that can be triggered by an actor.
- Define kind:ancestor: Defines a new kind: a set of properties used by game objects.
- Define kind:fields: Adds properties to an existing kind.
- Define kind:rule:[named:]do: Adds an "event listener" which only runs if the target of the triggered action a noun of the specified kind.
- Define noun:kind: Ensures that a noun of the specified name and kind exists in the world.
- Define noun:rule:[named:]do: Adds an "event listener" which only runs if the target of the triggered action is the specified noun.
- Define noun:states: Assigns one or more initial states to a existing noun.
- Define noun:value:initially: Assigns an initial value to a existing noun.
- Define pattern:provides: Adds one or more local variable to an existing pattern.
- Define pattern:requires:provides:[do:] Declares a new pattern.
- Define relation:kind:otherKind:cardinality: Defines a connection between different kinds of nouns.
- Define relative:nouns:otherNouns: Relate nouns to each other.
- Define rule:[named:]do: Change the behavior of an existing pattern.
- Define scene:[requires:][with:] Defines a collection of nouns, kinds, game rules, etc.
- Define singular:plural: Controls how Tapestry pluralize words.
- Define state:names: Defines a set of mutually exclusive states that can be assigned to any kind of noun.
- Define test:[requires:][scene:]do: Defines a scene used for testing a story.
- Interpret:with: Creates a grammar used to parse player input.
- Interpret alias:as: Interpret a name typed by the player as some existing noun.
- Interpret name:with: Creates a grammar to parse player input that can be referenced in other grammars.
- Note: Used for the blockly editor so that hash-mark style comments are visible in the editor.