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Getting Started

The Tapestry tool – called tap – is a one-stop shop turning story files into playable games. The stories themselves can be written in any editor of your choice. ( I tend to use Sublime. )

Installing Tapestry

At this time, there are no pre-built releases. To run Tapestry, you will need to build Tapestry. This probably requires some coding expertise.

  1. Install Go. To install Go, visit the Go website and follow its installation instructions.

  2. Download the source code: Use git to clone https://git.sr.ht/~ionous/tapestry to a local directory. Or, you can either fork the GitHub mirror, or download a zip of the source from that GitHub link.

  3. Build the source: In that directory, cd cmd/tap, and either run go install to install the tap command globally; or use go build to create the tap executable in that directory.

  4. Verify Installation. At the command line, run tap help. If everything worked successfully, you should see a help message describing the available commands.

On Windows: Because Tapestry uses go-sqlite3 ( which uses cgo ) you will need gcc. TDM-GCC is a good option. Follow their installation instructions, and then Tapestry should build successfully.

Alternative Installation

This method doesn’t get tested much, so it may be unreliable. After installing Go, instead of manually downloading and building the source, at the command line enter: go install git.sr.ht/~ionous/tapestry/cmd/tap@latest. That will get the source and compile it for you. Assuming it completes successfully, you can run the tap tool to verify the installation.