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Editor Customization

In both Sublime and VSCode, you can tell the editor to use “yaml” highlighting for “tell” files. This will get you some basic syntax colorization for commands, comments, strings, etc.

example of syntax highlighting

It’s not always perfect when the file contains plain English sections, but it’s still very helpful.

Syntax checking and auto-completion

Although it only works in a preliminary way, it’s also possible to ask Sublime ( and VSCode ) to attempt auto-completion and hover documentation for the commands.

example of inline documentation

In Sublime you need use its package manager to install LSP and the LSP-yaml plugin. ( The procedure for VSCode is similar. )

Then, at the top of your .tell file add the comment:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=http:/tapestry.ionous.net/schema/tap.schema.json

After that, you should start to get hover and auto-completion for most commands. However, until some tell specific “language server” is written, it won’t play nice when the file includes plain text sections. It will sometimes display the wrong command, or placeholder characters without any actual text. The utility is therefore questionable.