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Every Tapestry story file ( .tell ) contains a list of Story Statement slots. Various commands can fit into those slots, the complete list of which can be found on the Story Statement page. Taken together, the story commands allow an author to model a complete game world.

To branch from modeling into changing how a game behaves, some story commands have parameters which specify other types of slots, and those slots allow other types of commands. For instance, to change how a player’s input is processed, the story command Interpret:with: accepts a Scanner MakerScanner Maker, and scanner maker commands customize the parser.


This is the list of all known slots:

  • Address - Identifies an object field, local variable, or pattern parameter.
  • Assignment - Provides access to values in a generic way when the type of a value isn't known in advance.
  • Bool Eval - Commands which return true/false values.
  • Brancher - Helper for the else statements of [ChooseBranch].
  • Counter - A slot used internally for generating unique names during weave.
  • Dot - Access values stored inside other values.
  • Execute - Commands which don't return a value.
  • Field Definition - Describe the members of kinds, records, patterns, and so on.
  • Literal Value - A slot to identify constant values.
  • Matched - Used to store matching text.
  • Notification - Marker interface used by all frame events.
  • Noun Builder - Indicates a matcher which can define a noun.
  • Num Eval - Commands which return a number.
  • Num List Eval - Commands which return a list of numbers.
  • Play Message - A client-server message for the play app.
  • Record Eval - Commands which return a record.
  • Record List Eval - Commands which return a list of records.
  • Scanner Maker - Commands which interpret player input.
  • Story Statement - Story commands model the game world.
  • Text Eval - Commands which return text.
  • Text List Eval - Commands which return a list of text.