Commands which don't return a value.
Defined by idl rtti.
Implemented by:
- Bracket: Collect printed text and surround the output with parenthesis '()'.
- Break: In a repeating loop, exit the loop; or, in a rule, stop processing rules.
- Continue: In a repeating loop, try the next iteration of the loop; or, in a rule, continue to the next rule.
- Decrease:[by:] Decrease a stored value and, optionally, return the new value.
- Decrease:state:[by:][clamp:] Change to the previous state in some particular set of states for a given object ( or record.
- Determine:args: Run a pattern, returning its result (if any).
- DoNothing: A runtime command that does.
- Erase:[index:][count:] Remove one or more values from a list.
- Erase:[index:][count:]as:do:[else:] Remove a number of values from a list starting at a specified index.
- Expect: Evaluate a boolean command and ensure it returns true.
- Expect text: Examine the most recent game output, and generate an error unless it matches the specified text.
- Fabricate input: Process fake input as if the player had typed it themselves.
- If:[assuming:]do:[else:] Select a block of statements to run based on a true/false check.
- Increase:[by:] Increase a stored value and, optionally, return the new value.
- Increase:state:[by:][clamp:] Change to the next state in some particular set of states for a given object ( or record.
- LineBreak: Start a new line.
- LoadGame: Load the most recent save.
- Log:value: Print a value that might be useful during development.
- Map:using:list: Transform the values from one list and append the results to another.
- Note:[level:] Print a message that might be useful during development.
- ParagraphBreak: Add a single blank line ( unless a blank line was just written ).
- Pop:[front:] Remove a value from the end ( or the start ) of a list.
- Pop:[front:]as:do:[else:] Remove a value from the end ( or the start ) of a list.
- Print: Display some text to the player.
- PrintVersion: Print the version of the tap executable.
- Print[separator:]words: Collect printed text and separate that text by single spaces.
- Print commas: Separates words with commas, and 'and'.
- Print count: Express an integer in plain english ( aka a cardinal number ).
- Print num: Express a number using digits.
- Print row: Group text into a single line <li> as part of a list of lines.
- Print rows: Group text into an unordered list <ul>.
- Push:value:[front:] Add a value to the end ( or the beginning ) of a list.
- QuitGame: Immediately end the current game.
- Reduce:using:list: Pack the values of a list down into a single value.
- Relate:to:via: Relate two nouns.
- Repeat across:as:do:[else:] Run a series of statements for each value in a list.
- Repeat if:[initially:][assuming:]do: Keep running a series of actions while a condition succeeds.
- Reverse list: Reverse the order of the values in a list.
- SaveGame: Save the game.
- Say: Print templated text.
- Say response:with: Print text in a replaceable manner.
- Set:state: Set the state of an object or record.
- Set:value: Store a value into a variable or object.
- SoftBreak: Start a new line ( if not already at a new line ).
- Sort:[field:][descending:][case:] Rearrange the values in a list.
- Splice:[start:][count:][insert:] Modify a list by adding and removing values.
- UndoTurn: Unimplemented: rewind the game to undo the player's most recent input.