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List queries, transformations, etc. Lists are a series of zero or more values, all of the same fundamental type. There can be lists of numbers, text, or records. Lists of boolean values are not supported. The first value of a list is at index 1 (one).




Remove one or more values from a list.



Erase: Address

The list to modify.

index: optional NumEval

The one-based index at which to start removing values. If not specified, starts with the first value.

count: optional NumEval

The number of values to remove. If not specified, removes one value.

Remove a number of values from a list starting at a specified index. Run a series of statements, giving them a new local variable containing a list of removed values.



Erase: Address

The list to modify.

index: optional NumEval

The one-based index at which to start removing values. If not specified, starts with the first value.

count: optional NumEval

The number of values to remove. If not specified, removes one value.

as: Text

The new local variable which contains the erased values.

do: Execute repeats

The statements to call with the erased values. If no "else" branch is specified, and no values were removed, this will be called with an empty list.

else: optional Brancher

Optional statements to run if no values were removed.

Search a list for a specific value.

The [rt.NumEval] version returns the index of the value in the list.



Find: Assignment

The list to search.

value: Assignment

The value to find.

Determine if the length of the list is zero.



empty: Assignment

The list to measure.

Determine the number of values in a list.



length: Assignment

The list to measure.

Transform the values from one list and append the results to another. The designated pattern is called with each value, one value at a time.



Map: Address

The list to push new values into. The type of this list needs to match the type of the list being evaluated.

using: Text

The pattern to call for every value in the list being evaluated.

list: Assignment

The list being evaluated. Every value in this list will be sent to the mapping pattern. The type of this list needs to match the type of the list being written to.

Collect one or more numbers into a list.



list: NumEval repeats

One or more number values to evaluate.

Remove a value from the end ( or the start ) of a list.



Pop: Address

The list to modify.

front: optional BoolEval

Whether to remove from the front or the back of the list. If not specified, removes from the back.

Remove a value from the end ( or the start ) of a list. Run a series of statements, giving them a new local variable containing the removed value.



Pop: Address

The list to modify.

front: optional BoolEval

Control whether to remove from the front or the back of the list. If not specified, removes from the back.

as: Text

The name of a new local variable to receive the removed value. The variable is only in scope for the duration of the "do" statements.

do: Execute repeats

A series of statements to run if a value was removed.

else: optional Brancher

Optional statements to run if the specified list was empty. There are no special local variables defined when this is called.

Add a value to the end ( or the beginning ) of a list.



Push: Address

The list to modify.

value: Assignment

The value to add to the list.

front: optional BoolEval

Control whether to add the new value to the front or to the back of the list. If not specified, adds to the back.

Generate a list of numbers r[i] = (start + step*i) where i>=0. Inputs are truncated to produce whole numbers. A positive step ends the series when the returned value would exceed stop. A negative step ends before generating a value less than stop.



Range: NumEval

The last number to generate.

start: optional NumEval

The first number generated. Defaults to one(1) if not specified.

by: optional NumEval

The step to reach the next number. Defaults to one(1), errors if zero.

Collect one or more records into a list. All of the records must be of the same type.



list: RecordEval repeats

One or more record values to evaluate.

Pack the values of a list down into a single value. The designated pattern is called with a pair of parameters for each value in the list:

  1. the current value from the list;
  2. the value being packed.

The pattern is expected to return the newly updated value.



Reduce: Address

The value being packed.

using: Text

The pattern to call for every value in the list being reduced.

list: Assignment

The list being reduced.

Run a series of statements for each value in a list. Several local variables are available to those statements:

  1. the value in the list, named as specified.
  2. "index", the one-based index of the current value in the list.
  3. "first", a boolean indicating if this is the first value
  4. "last", a boolean indicating if this is the last value.

If the list was empty, this runs the else branch instead.



across: Assignment

The list to read values from.

as: Text

The name of a (new) variable, given to the "do" statements, filled with the values from the list, one at a time.

do: Execute repeats

A series of statements to run.

else: optional Brancher

Optional statements to run if the specified list was empty. There are no special local variables defined when this is called.

Reverse the order of the values in a list. The first becomes last, the weak become strong, the list gets reversed, all that.



list: Address

The list to modify.

Create a new list from part of another list. Start is optional, if omitted slice starts at the beginning. If start is greater the length, an empty array is returned. Slice doesn't include the ending index. Negatives indices indicates an offset from the end. When end is omitted, or if its greater than the the length of the list, the slice will include everything from start up to and including the last value.



Slice: Assignment

The list to copy values from.

start: optional NumEval

The one-based index to start copying from. See the command documentation for full details.

end: optional NumEval

The one-based index of the last value to copy. See the command documentation for full details.

Rearrange the values in a list.



Sort: Address

The list to modify.

field: optional TextEval

Use the specified field to compare values. Optional, and only makes sense for lists containing records or objects.

descending: optional BoolEval

When true, reorder the list by decreasing value: largest value first. Otherwise, reorder the list by increasing value: smallest value first.

case: optional BoolEval

When sorting text this indicates whether the lower case letters should be considered different than upper case letters. By default, they are considered the same. ( This uses ascii comparisons, so uppercase 'A' is considered less than lowercase 'a' )

Modify a list by adding and removing values. The type of the values being added must match the type of the list. ( ie. Text cant be added to a list of numbers, and numbers cant be added to a list of text. ) If the starting index is negative, this begins that many values from the end of the array; if list's length plus the start is less than zero, this begins from index zero. If the remove count is missing, this removes all values from the start to the end; if the remove count is zero or negative, no values are removed.



Splice: Address

The list to modify.

start: optional NumEval

The one-based index to start cutting from. See the command documentation for full details.

count: optional NumEval

The number of values to cut. See the command documentation for full details.

insert: optional Assignment

Optionally, a set of new values to inject into the list, starting at the location that was cut. See the command documentation for full details.

Collect one or more text values into a list.



list: TextEval repeats

One or more text statements to evaluate.