Text Eval
Commands which return text.
Defined by idl rtti.
Implemented by:
- Bracket: Collect printed text and surround the output with parenthesis '()'.
- Buffer: Capture any and all text printed by the game, and return it as a single string of continuous text.
- Capitalize: Copy some text, changing its first letter to uppercase.
- Cycle[name:]text: Returns some text selected from a set of predefined values.
- Decrease:state:[by:][clamp:] Change to the previous state in some particular set of states for a given object ( or record.
- Determine:args: Run a pattern, returning its result (if any).
- Increase:state:[by:][clamp:] Change to the next state in some particular set of states for a given object ( or record.
- Join[:]parts: Combine text to produce new text.
- Kind of:[nothing:] The kind of an object or record.
- Lower: Copy some text, changing every letter into lowercase.
- Object:[dot:] Read a value from an object.
- Object name: The full name of an object as originally specified by the author.
- Plural of: Pluralize a word.
- Print[separator:]words: Collect printed text and separate that text by single spaces.
- Print commas: Separates words with commas, and 'and'.
- Print count: Express an integer in plain english ( aka a cardinal number ).
- Print num: Express a number using digits.
- Print row: Group text into a single line <li> as part of a list of lines.
- Print rows: Group text into an unordered list <ul>.
- Reciprocal:object: Return the implied relative of a noun.
- Relative:object: Return the relative of a noun.
- Reverse text: Copy some text with its contents flipped back to front.
- Say: Print templated text.
- Say response:with: Print text in a replaceable manner.
- Sentence: Copy text, changing the start of each sentence so that it starts with a capital letter.
- Shuffle[name:]text: Returns some text selected from a set of predefined values.
- Singular of: Change a plural word into its singular form.
- Stopping[name:]text: Returns some text selected from a set of predefined values.
- Text[kind:]value: Specify some constant text.
- Text if:[assuming:]then:[else:] Pick one of two possible text values based on a condition.
- Title: Copy some text, making every word start with a capital letter.
- Upper: Copy some text, changing every letter into uppercase.
- Variable:[dot:] Read a value from a variable.