Supply constant values to runtime evaluations.
( ie. a specific number when a [NumEval] is required. )
Tell files support "shortcuts" which turn primitive values into literal commands. For instance, the number '5' in a .tell file is automatically transformed into the command "Num value: 5" whenever that's needed.
The name of a field in a record to initialize.
New field names cannot be added to records at runtime;
the field names must be part of the original declaration of the kind.
The literal value of the field.
The type of value must match the original declaration of the field.
( ex. If the field was declared as a number, only a number can be used to initialize it. )
The kind of the records being constructed.
All of the records in the list must be of the same kind.
All kinds must be pre-declared ( ex. via [DefineKind] or via jess. )